Production an external cladding units using Rubber mold and polyester

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Decoration, Higher Institute of Applied Arts, Fifth Settlement, Egypt

2 Department of Architectural Sculpture and Formation, Higher Institute of Applied Arts, Fifth Settlement, Egypt


The works of the cladding are considered heritage works. Ancient civilizations were characterized by the decoration of the buildings with a variety of natural materials, especially palaces and houses of worship. All types of cladding like tiles & Panels or decorative units are used to decorate architectural facades by using natural and industrial raw materials, whether in the whole building or parts thereof. Modern technologies, equipment, materials and technologies have enabled the development of the artificial materials. Among these technologies is the manufacture of rubber molds. This industry offers many economic and industrial advantages that can be utilized in the production of cladding units. The manufacture of molds depends on the manufacture of the mold and the extraction of the formulations through the material inside it. Silicone rubber is one of the best raw materials used in the manufacture of molds. The substrates are made of polyester reinforced with fiber glass, and other industrial features offered by this technique can give effects similar to the appearance of natural materials such as stones, marble and the effects of various metals. The process of production depends on many materials and tools through successive stages to reach the final product and follow some instructions when dealing with the materials used, so as not to be subjected to the product of many manufacturing defects, which may appear during the stages of manufacturing, which are done manually. The quality of the production is depending on the craftsmanship, experience and aesthetics of these industries.
