The aesthetics of moving carved threads in the light of quantum theory

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD in the Philosophy of Specific Education (Art Education_ Design major) Faculty of Specific Education - Menoufia University Teaching Technical Education Specialist in Education

2 Professor of Technical Works Former Head of the Department of Artistic Works and Folklore Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University


This research paper delves into the aesthetics of moving sculpted threads within the framework of quantum theory. The intersection of sculpture, movement, and quantum physics offers a unique perspective on the exploration of aesthetics in art. This study aims to investigate how the principles of quantum theory can inform the conceptualization, creation, and appreciation of moving sculpted threads as artistic expressions. By analyzing the fundamental concepts of quantum theory, such as superposition, entanglement, and wave-particle duality, this research explores their potential application to the understanding of the aesthetics of kinetic sculptures created from threads. It examines the ways in which these sculptures interact with light, space, and human perception, creating dynamic and visually engaging experiences. Through an interdisciplinary approach, combining artistic analysis and theoretical insights from quantum physics, this study seeks to deepen our understanding of the aesthetic qualities and philosophical implications of moving sculpted threads. The findings of this research contribute to the discourse on the convergence of art and science, offering novel perspectives on the creation and interpretation of kinetic sculptures, and fostering new avenues for artistic experimentation and innovation.


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